I don't see me taking a picture today because I'm crazy busy. So here's a second one from yesterday and a little story to go along with it . . .
Garrett and I got home and there was a package in a big bag (it was raining) tied to our screen door handle. So I put G inside the house, went onto the porch and,because of his recent face plant onto the porch - )pics coming whenever I decide to upload them), closed the screen door. The delivery guy tied this bag really well to the door handle. It took me a few minutes to get it off. In the meantime, Garrett decided to lock me out of the house. I don't THINK he meant to - he was just playing with the handle. Well, this is how I got back in:
Yep, see that big slice in the screen? there was a little hole at the bottom there so I made it bigger and sliced all the way up until I could unlock the door. This was after 5 minutes of me trying to coach him to unlock it.
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