Friday, March 18, 2011

Finally! We can play outside!!

First, we tried playing with his new lawnmower, but Ms. Maggie Moo didn't want to roll on the grass.
Then we ran through EVERY puddle in the church parking lot next door
And mommy chased Garrett back to our yard where he loved climbing onto the manhole cover and showing off some of my dance moves
"GO GO GO GO GO" he was yelling as he was running away from me. At least he stopped to look back and make sure I was following :)
Uh oh, more puddles

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My baby was singing to me!

He was sitting in his rocking chair, rocking back & forth & singing to me. It was so sweet!

Lost pacifiers . . .

in the bottom of the toy box. He loves playing with them

Garrett's new hobby

is picking his nose. I've tried to get him to stop, but so far am unsuccessful. The other day I said "yuckee". He said "yuckee" and ate his booger : /

And he got a new outside toy the other day. A cow lawnmower :)

Sleeping with daddy

It's rare that Garrett sleeps with us, but when he does he's all over the place. One morning he ended up like this

Ready for church

love the look! He's like - you want me to stop watching cartoons to go to church?


...the first post of catching up ...
Sporting his superman shirt and some awesome rainboots (which he put on himself)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fresh, Healthy Breakfast

I was going to make an omelet, but I srewed that up in no time. So I settled for scrambled eggs with fresh spinach & tomato. Oh, and a banana,too! Delicious!

Not a very good picture - I really need to stop with these cell phone pictures

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


When Garrett got out of bed this morning, he sat monkey like this on his pillow. Thought it was cute :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Honey-Soy Broiled Basa

Holy crap how good does that look? It was so yummy that I almost went back for more :) 
Here's to healthy eating!

and for dinner I had a salad and 1/2 sweet potato