Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Almost time to celebrate!!

Garrett's almost 2! I was going to make (by hand) invitations, but I decided I procrastinated too long and it was too much work for what I wanted to do. I mean, cutting out 26 truck tires is just too tedious when you have an (almost) 2 year old running around and climbing on you!
So instead I opted to steal this picture from online and print out the invitations. Turned out pretty darn good I think!

We went to Cracker Barrell the other day and he LOVED this game. I couldn't even get him to put it down to eat!

It was so hot this weekend that I had to drag out G's pool. Then I got the bright idea to put his slide in there for a little more fun. He loved it!

And last, but certainly not least, Garrett was rewarded with a graham cracker (or cookie as he says) for going peepee in the potty!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Here we go again

Time to play a little bit of catch up. 

Garrett's first time cooking - homemade pizza!

He got just a little on his face!

I bought this outfit when he was about 3 months old. It has monkeys on it. By the time it was warm enough for him to wear it, it's almost too small (it's a 2T)...but I had to put it on him at least once!

He's bigger than the slide is - that can't be too much fun

He likes to sit on his ball (he sees me sit on my yoga ball) and watch the trucks go by. If they're loud (using their jake brake) he yells "NO NO NO NO"

He just had to wear his monkey backpack around the house

Friday, May 20, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

My baby is not a baby anymore

Matt buzzed all of his hair off last night. He wasn't supposed to cut it this short, but did on accident. I seriously cried. Partly because of the hair, but also partly because he looks like a chemo patient.  I'm, not saying that jokingly. Looking at him with his hair like this reminds me of just how blessed we are that we have a healthy little boy and there are so many families out there who don't.

On another note, he is really starting to talk a lot more - words that you can actually understand. His favorite two are NO and MINE, of course. We were watching Super Why yesterday (mine and his favorite cartoon) and they always say "super readers to the rescue" and raise their arms up in the air (like a touchdown). G knew it was coming so he goes "rescue" plain as day and raised his arms up. And he's started singing more - loves to sing Row Row Row Your Boat. I love little man :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease . . . and some good deals

these are in a completely random order...stupid blogger is messing up
Last Sunday Garrett developed a rash on his legs. It started out with small bumps and eventually turned into blistery-like bumps all over his feet, knees, thighs, hands, and elbows....oh, and his mouth. We didn't figure the mouth part out til later when i did some research online to try and figure out what this was. Sure enough, HMFD (aka coxsackie)

So I went to the store to grab some deals. First, at walmart I grabbed 11 pairs of pajamas for G (3T-5T - I bought all they had) for $11 (retail $60). Then I went to Kroger where my total was $132 and I paid just $28. That includes 11 big bottles of ketchup and 24 boxes of whole wheat pasta (I later went back for 10 more boxes). Gotta love coupons!
And then I went to Target to use a gift card and ran across the 1Gallon bottles of DOWNY for $2.76 - regularly $10.99. Yeah, I bought 6 of them :)
And here's G rediscovering his stickers
And then again at the Dr waiting to figure out this rash. The first Drs visit said it was clogged pores. I didn't agree, but figured I'd give it a couple of days and see. Sure enough, when I took him back the other Dr agreed it was HFMD

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Yup, i'm cheating again . . .

My internet at home as been down so I'm only uploading some cell phone pics today. 

This past weekend my mom was in town and we spent a lot of time with her at Papi's house (my grandpa). Here's G hiding in his couch :)

And here he is making dumplins with grandma

and playing with the new blocks that grandma (or Ma as he calls her) got him at a garage sale

We had breakfast at Bob Evans and Garrett decided the window sill was hungry

Mom had an old friend come over and bring one of Papi's old fire chief helmets - We believe it's from the mid-late 70's. He had a ball with it and still won't put it down.

Then Grandpa Burley came to visit and G played in his semi

Garrett and Ma were wiped out from a long, busy weekend. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Way behind and no time to catch up

So here are a couple of pics from the last week or so . . .

Watching cows at Nani and Papa's with daddy and uncle Richard
 he's become obsessed with hats
We went to JC Penny to get some pics taken. He cooperated for about 2 minutes
 This was his favorite Easter present - a new chalkboard for his door
 Lookin' snazzy in his Easter suit
 And his Easter basket . . .

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

First day at the park this year!!

I've been a slacker mom and haven't taken my kid to the park yet this year...until today!! He really wanted to play with the big boys (like 12 year olds), but I thought they might run him over so we moved over to the "little kid area"

And this was when I told him we were going to the park. He was just a little happy!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

This kid is a Geeeezin' fool

Anytime we pull out our phones to take a picture, he goes "geeeeze"  and cheeses real big :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Don't go to Super Cuts!

They'll screw your kids' hair up and force you to go to Cookie Cutters to get it fixed. But Garrett didn't seem to mind b/c daddy was home :)
 crooked there... it's not really THAT bad, the hair is all messed up. But still....it's crooked.
And this was at Nani and Papa's house - he found the earphones and wanted to walk around with them. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Having fun with the boys

Luttie was sitting on his sleeve so he had to take his arm out of his shirt to get free :)
 aww  - Little Dawson wanted to go outside
 Um, yeah. That's my son trying out his new pushing skills
And playing some football with Uncle Richard as the coach